Want to change your life?
Then change your habits!
4Yourlife is a PODCAST dedicated to exploring and understanding the power of habit. Join me as I speak with experts as well as everyday people from all spheres of life. People who have transformed their lives through the power of habit. This 4yourlife. It’s about habits and it’s about time. Your time starts now.
Episode 7: The power of confidence:
How to build it in your child
In 1997, David Hannan founded Kids in Motion, a business purpose built to help children, from all walks of life, gain confidence through movement. I met David almost 10 years ago when I enrolled my two kids at Kids in Motion. From their very first lesson, I knew that he and his team had built something really special. But David’s interest in this holistic approach began much earlier, and for more than four decades he’s fine-tuned his skills and knowledge to create something unique.
In the words of Brice Lee, “Absorb what is useful, discard what is not and add what is specifically your own”. Kids in Morion is exactly that! David has seen first-hand the impact that confidence has in helping kids to overcome fear and reach for success at the highest level.
A podcast empowering you to change your life.
Ep 7: The Power of Confidence: How to build it in your child
In 1997, David Hannan founded Kids in Motion, a business purpose built to help children, from all walks of life, gain confidence through movement. I met David almost 10 years ago when I enrolled my two kids at Kids in Motion. From their very first lesson, I knew that he and his team had built something really special. But David’s interest in this holistic approach began much earlier, and for more than four decades he’s fine-tuned his skills and knowledge to create something unique.
In the words of Brice Lee, “Absorb what is useful, discard what is not and add what is specifically your own”. Kids in Morion is exactly that! David has seen first-hand the impact that confidence has in helping kids to overcome fear and reach for success at the highest level.
Ep 6: Habits To Back | Dr. Kieran Whelan
Dr. Kieran Whelan is a chiropractor known for his genuine and personalized approach to caring for his clients. In recent years Kieran has noticed a growing number of clients in the practice seeking relief from chronic pain conditions like migraines, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. What’s behind this worrying trend? Lifestyle, the daily mental grind? It’s all too much and it’s all too fast. Today even kids have schedules for their schedules.
Ep 5: Mind Your Habits | Dr Hussain
Dr Qusai Hussain holds a Law Degree from India as well as a Doctorate in Forensic Psychology and he’s crossed paths with people from all walks of life from criminals and gangs to corporate high flyers, doctors and lawyers. Today Dr Q runs Cyberlink, an online metal health service provider. Cyberlink is pioneering the use of AI to optimally match patient with practitioner. It is Dr Q’s mission to make mental health care accessible to any Australian who needs it.
Ep 4: Diving Into Habits | Laura Hingston
Facing a serious back injury at the age of just 16, Laura Hingston’s gymnastics career was over, and along with it, her dreams of going to Olympics. Or so she was told. But this didn’t stop her. Through the power of habit, goal setting, visualisation and the support of her “A Team”, Laura’s life took a different turn. Despite all of the challenges and obstacles along the way, she persevered along her journey to the Olympics.
Ep 3: Food For Thought | Melissa Laity
If most people know what they should be eating for health and vitality, why don’t they do it? Why are diets hard to stick to and why don’t they work in the long term? Its not your fault and I’ll tell you why.
Ep 2: Habits For Mastery | Rebecca Chambers
Rebecca didn’t just learn how to play the piano, she became a concert pianist. She toured around the world and went on to become young Australian of the Year. Here’s what can be achieved when adding determination with passion and positivity.
Ep 1: Interview With Cherine Scheepers
What is a habit? How are habits formed? Why are they so hard to change? Welcome to the first episode in the 4YourLife podcast series. In this episode you’ll find out a bit more about me and why you should become a Habitarian.

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Cherine Scheepers:
I’ve always been fascinated by human behaviour. Why do we do what we do? How do things influence us – consciously and unconsciously. How do we change our habits so that we can live happier and healthier lives. Join me as I interview everyday people from all walks of life doing extraordinary things.